ORECA Action: Your Voice Matters!

Message from Dave Markham, CEC President & CEO

Join more than 1,200 other Central Electric Co-op members in our collaborative effort to make sure Oregon’s electric cooperatives’ voices are heard by policymakers. We do this through our political action network, ORECA-Action Powered by Voices for Cooperative Power.

The ORECA stands for Oregon Rural Electric Cooperative Association. We represent all 18 of the state’s not-for-profit, consumer-owned electric cooperatives. Through this network we will help you track energy policy developments in Salem, Ore., and Washington, D.C., when they affect you and Central Electric.

Not only will we keep you informed through timely information, but our web-based network will make it easy for you to contribute your voice when lawmakers are taking action that affects us.

We have heard time and time again from lawmakers, messages from their constituents weigh heavily into their decisions. An organized group of citizens can assert major influence over the legislative process by banding together in a collective voice.

Go directly to https://voicesforcooperativepower.com/oregon/ and click on the Join Us link. Or you can send us an email at cecmemberservices@cec.coop and we will access your account information to complete the enrollment process on your behalf. Or you can call one of our customer service representative at 541.548.2144 and we will walk through the process with you.

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State Legislative Priorities

Governor Should Reconsider