Fighting Hunger in Central Oregon

Central Electric Holds Food Drive in July

Hunger happens in every season. While most people typically donate food and other items during the holiday season, we often forget about the other nine months of the year.

It’s a common misconception that more food is needed in winter. However, according to NeighborImpact the summer months are when the most food is needed to help local Central Oregon families. Why? There are a lower number of food drives and contributions. Also during the summer, low income kids are home from school where they often receive breakfast and lunch.

“We understand this time of year local food banks have trouble keeping enough items on the shelves for needy families,” says Jeff Beaman, Central Electric Cooperative Member Services Director. “As part of our 75 Acts of Kindness for our 75th Anniversary Celebration, the cooperative wants to lend a hand by holding this drive. “

Central Electric will hold a food drive through the month of July.  Bins will be placed at the cooperative’s three office locations in Bend, Redmond, and Sisters. Members can drop off non-perishable food donations or cash donations.

Office locations:

Redmond Service Center – 2098 N Hwy 97

Bend Service Center – 61090 SE 27th St.

Sisters office – 352 E Hood St.